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Date : 2005-08-01
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Albert Einstein Wikipedia ~ Albert Einstein was born in Ulm in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire on 14 March 1879 His parents were Hermann Einstein a salesman and engineer and Pauline 1880 the family moved to Munich where Einsteins father and his uncle Jakob founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J Einstein Cie a company that manufactured electrical equipment based on direct current
Albert Einstein Biography Education Discoveries ~ Albert Einstein Germanborn physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century
Albert Einstein Quotes Education Facts Biography ~ Albert Einstein was a physicist who developed the general theory of relativity He is considered one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century
Albert Einstein Biographical ~ Albert Einstein Biographical Questions and Answers on Albert Einstein A lbert Einstein was born at Ulm in Württemberg Germany on March 14 1879 Six weeks later the family moved to Munich where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium
The Official Licensing Site of Albert Einstein ~ Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist and the most famous scientist in human history He developed the general theory of relativity one of the two pillars of modern physics alongside quantum mechanics
TOP 25 QUOTES BY ALBERT EINSTEIN of 1952 AZ Quotes ~ We are slowed down sound and light waves a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music
64 Interesting Facts About Albert Einstein The Fact File ~ Interesting Facts About Albert Einstein Image credit Albert Einstein Archives The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel 2 Fathead at birth Albert had a fat head at the time he was startled his mother and grandmother when they saw him for the first time
Albert Einstein Quotes Author of Relativity ~ 1178 quotes from Albert Einstein Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity and Im not sure about the universe There are only two ways to live your life One is as though nothing is a miracle The other is as though everything is a miracle and I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination Imagination is more important than knowledge
Home Einstein Health ~ Einstein Healthcare Network is a leading healthcare system with approximately 1000 licensed beds and 8500 employees serving the communities of Philadelphia and Montgomery County Pa Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia is the largest independent academic medical center in the Philadelphia region annually training over 3500 health professional students and 400 residents in more than 30
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